Elaine Raphael's
Arts Fund
Elaine Raphael's Art Fund
The Elaine Raphael Arts Fund is named in honor of noted artist and writer, Elaine Raphael Bolognese whose last wish was to continue to help children discover their artistic nature. Art was the center of Elaine’s life, and she knew how close she had come to never knowing the nature of her gift. Whenever she could, she taught kids art. Whether in schools, at workshops such as The Cloisters or through dozens of books she wrote and illustrated with her husband Don Bolognese, she always sought to foster and develop the talents of children eager to find a guiding hand to help them express their creativity.
The fund fosters the talents of children eager to find a guiding hand to help them express their creativity and provides art education programs such as camps, in-school workshops and student mentoring by professional artists.
Elaine's Vermont Art Club
An Art Workshop for young talented artists
In 2014, the Elaine Raphael Arts Fund began offering workshops to inspire creativity and a love of art among young children.
Elaine’s Art Club is a FREE program with all costs, including artist’s materials, supplies and professional guest artist lecturers covered by The Elaine Raphael Arts Fund.
Elaine’s Art Club is designed as a 2-hour session which runs throughout the school year and continues for part of the summer. The program is offered to students who have shown an interest in art and demonstrated a commitment to developing their artistic talent. Professional artists work directly with the students in this mentorship program either in a school or community setting. Each workshop is configured to meet the needs of a specific group for time and content.
Living for a Cause is excited to be working with young artists and hopes that this will give them an opportunity to pursue their dreams – just as Elaine and Don did at their age.
Workshop inquiries should be directed to Marisa Bolognese or Annie Aft at 844-650-3222.
Raphael and Bolognese Studio Gallery - Official Art Shop | Fine Art America
A portion of the net proceeds from the gallery will be donated to Elaine’s Art Club.