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Pet Oxygen Masks Delivered to Local Fire Department 

Pet Oxygen Recovery Mask- Michelle Delre Memorial Fund

 In partnership with Kane’s Containment Company located at 24 Hockey Drive Columbus, NJ and Canine Company located in Wilton, Ct., as part of their Canine Saves Campaign, Mary Stabile co-founder of Living for a Cause along with Nick Delre delivered today pet oxygen masks to the Cinnaminson Fire Department located in Burlington County, NJ.

These brave firefighters were very grateful to receive these masks in memory of Nick’s daughter Michelle Delre.

The Cinnaminson Fire Department have used this type of mask as recently as last week in saving the lives of four cats at an area fire.

The Michelle Delre Memorial Pet Oxygen Recovery Mask program will be an ongoing program as Living for a Cause continues to identify other NJ Fire Departments in need of these lifesaving masks.The goal of the Michelle Delre Memorial Pet Oxygen Recovery Mask program is to ensure that firefighters and EMTs in the communities they serve have the tools they need to resuscitate the pets they rescue.

While the number of pets killed in fires each year is not an officially kept statistic by the U.S. Fire administration, the number has been estimated to be as high as 150,000. Losing a pet due to a house fire or toxic fumes can be a devastating experience. Unlike humans who instinctively run out during fires, pets instinctively look for a hiding place to protect them from the fire. Far too many pets die each year of smoke asphyxiation. While firemen attempt to get pets safely out of burning structures, they are not able to revive them unless they have the proper equipment — pet oxygen masks. These specially designed animal masks can be used both on conscious pets that have suffered from smoke inhalation and pets that need to be resuscitated after losing consciousness from exposure to the dangerous toxic fumes. Most first responder agencies (fire, rescue, EMT) are not permitted to purchase equipment that is not for use on humans. Additionally, many of these agencies also have budget restrictions that prohibit buying these masks kits. If the equipment is not on the truck, the first responders can’t use it.

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